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The Evolution of Cars

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Cars are a means of transportation for hundreds of millions of people in the world. They give jobs to many people in the factories that make them and at the restaurants and gas stations where they stop. They also change the way cities are built, with suburbs on the outskirts where families live.

Cars have made long distance trips possible, so people can work in other towns or countries and go on vacations. They are also the main means of transporting products and goods from rural areas to urban centers. The invention of the automobile has probably changed the human race more than any other technological advance.

A car is a motor vehicle that runs primarily on roads and seats one to eight people. Most definitions include cars that run mainly on gasoline, are powered by a piston engine and have four wheels. Other important features are an automatic transmission, electric ignition and brakes, and a steering wheel. Cars have been in use for over a century, with significant technical advancements and design innovations along the way. During the 19th century, automobile production was fast and numerous small manufacturers competed for consumer attention. Key technical advances included the electric self-starter (designed by Charles Kettering for the Cadillac Motor Company in 1910-1911) and independent suspension. Automobile design trends were heavily influenced by marketing plans, with companies like Alfred P. Sloan setting up different makes of cars to appeal to varying market segments.

After the two world wars and a period of decline in car production, manufacturers began adding new features to their vehicles. Power steering and power brakes were soon standard on many models. Fuel efficiency became a major concern in the 1970s as oil prices rose and consumers started to demand more environmentally friendly vehicles. The development of the electronic engine control system led to a number of safety and performance improvements.

The modern car is a highly complex machine with dozens of sensors that monitor everything from road conditions to the status of the brakes and tires. The computer in the car controls all of these systems. In the future, cars will be fully connected to the outside world through a variety of sensors that can share information with other cars and the infrastructure. They will also allow passengers to use a wide range of online services while on the road.

While cars have many positive effects on society, they have negative consequences as well. Millions of people die in car accidents every year. Pollution from cars contributes to global warming. Many animals and plants are killed by cars when they are hit by them, a practice known as roadkill. In addition, roads are often built through or near wildlife habitats. Some recent road projects have taken wildlife into consideration, with designers creating green bridges and habitat corridors for animals to move through.

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