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Materials Used in Cars

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A car is a transport vehicle that can take you from one place to another. It’s a bit like a moving piece of art mixed with utility. And it’s at that rare intersection of those qualities where cars stand out in the modern world.

The modern car is a four-wheeled motor vehicle that seats one to eight people. It runs mainly on roads, uses an internal combustion engine, and is powered by chemical energy in gasoline or electrical energy in an electric battery.

Many people use their car to get around town and go to work or school. Others drive long distances to visit family or go on vacation. But the biggest reason that people learn to drive is for the independence that it offers. Instead of waiting for a bus or taxi after a day at the office or braving icy cold weather to travel to school, you can jump into your own car and be on your way.

Unlike other forms of public transport that leave the control in the hands of other drivers, your own car gives you the power to decide where and when to go. The freedom of having a car also means that you can make quick trips for things like going grocery shopping or taking your dog to the vet without having to wait for someone else to do it for you.

Most cars have several safety features that keep occupants safe in the event of an accident. Seat belts, air bags, and crash-resistant doors are just a few of the important ones. In almost all countries, there are laws that require passengers to fasten their seat belts and children to ride in child safety seats. There are even laws that regulate the speed limits that you can drive at and require you to obey traffic lights.

The materials that your car is made of can have a big impact on its performance, how efficient it is, and what kind of footprint it leaves behind. Some materials are relatively abundant, easy to form, and inexpensive to obtain, while others are scarce, expensive to produce, and create a lot of pollution during manufacture. Finding the right combination of materials that results in a safe, fuel-efficient, good-looking personal transport device is both an art and a science.


Steel is the most common material in cars. It’s strong, cheap, and easy to fabricate into the parts that hold up your car. More sophisticated alloys, plastics, and advanced high-strength steels help to reduce the weight of cars while preserving their strength. These lighter materials also allow for better fuel economy and greater passenger comfort.

In the past, most of the fuel used in cars was oil. But as the United States started to run out of its own supplies, we began to import more from other countries. This caused prices to rise and lines at the gas pumps to grow. So automakers began to work on making cars that could run on other kinds of fuel. This led to the development of hybrid and electric cars that run on both electricity and gasoline.

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